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January Update 2

Dear Parents, 


Firstly, we hope that you all enjoyed the break with your families over the last 2 weeks. Obviously it was different to usual, but we do hope that you are well and enjoyed your time together. 


We have and continue to do all that we can to keep you, your children and our staff as safe as possible within the constraints that we find ourselves faced with. School will be opening on 5th January but not for all classes. 


Guidance from school unions has indicated that members should not return to work if they feel that working conditions are not safe, despite all that school is doing. Some members of school staff are members of these unions and have taken the difficult decision to work remotely rather than in the classroom. Some staff are teachers, others are Teaching Assistants. We fully support their decision which is not taken lightly in any way. It does mean that some classes will be closed for at least the next week and learning will be taking place remotely via the Seesaw app which was used successfully during the first lockdown. If you have chosen to keep your children at home some work will be set by their class teacher via Seesaw or Google Classroom.

The classes that will be closed to pupils and learning from home are: Hedgehog Class, 1AR 1JA/CN, 2SM, 2MP/LG, 3GR, 3HH, 3HJ/DD, 4LW, 4BH & 5AR. We fully appreciate the level of disruption that many of you will face as a result of these measures, for which we are very sorry, but hope that you support these members of staff in their decision. 


Children in other classes should return to school as usual tomorrow (Tuesday 5th January) 


Finally thank you to everyone who filled in our parents questionnaire about returning to school yesterday. It really helped us to see how you feel about school reopening given changes to COVID 19 and government guidance over the Christmas period. We had started to look at staggering the collection of children at the end of the day in response to the survey but it showed that 50% of you were in favour of a change and 50% of you weren’t. In light of the current class closures we will be staying with our current plans..


Best wishes,


Lynn Knapp