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Update 5/1/21

An update from Mrs Knapp

Dear Parents and Carers


Following the announcement from the Prime Minister last night that schools should close until after half term, we have been very busy making sure that we are able to offer in-school support to our most vulnerable children and for families with 2 critical workers. However, I completely understand that this leaves many of you in very challenging situations where you are trying to work and support home learning within 12 hours of the notification.


Yesterday, by having the Inset day,  we were fortunate to have the time for staff to start preparing for a potential lockdown which means we have been in the position today to “hit the ground running”. We want the provision that we provide for your children to be high quality and interactive so that your children continue to make progress while they are not in school. Teachers in some year groups will also in time  be trialling some live lessons / assemblies / story sessions  to help the children to feel more in touch with the school and each other.


Throughout this week we will be planning on how we can provide wider opportunities for the children while they work at home and I will be holding on-line assemblies on Monday and Friday mornings at 9:10am which you are all invited to. If you would like your child / children to join these please email me so that I can send you meeting links. We will also be continuing to publish our weekly newsletter to keep you up to date with what is happening. I would also be very pleased for your children to send me letters and pictures that they do as I will miss seeing them at the gate each morning.


If this lockdown is to be as short as possible it is really important that we try to keep the number of children in school to the minimum to reduce the risk of transmission between children and families. Therefore if you do have a key worker place please only send your children to school when you absolutely have to.


I do hope that the next few weeks aren’t’ too stressful for you all and that all you all stay safe and well.


Yours sincerely


Lynn Knapp