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Forest School

Forest School

Our curriculum goes beyond the classroom as children in EYFS and KS1 get the opportunity to explore their natural environment in Forest School sites.


Forest School offers an inspirational environment that provides all learners with opportunities to develop confidence and self-esteem through hands on learning and experiences in a natural setting.  It is a specialised learning approach that compliments the wider context of outdoor education. Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all those involved fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners.



In Reception Miss Reynolds (class teacher of Hedgehogs) is our qualified Forest school lead. She has been teaching Forest school at Windmill for the past 3 years. The children use an area called the Orchard on the school grounds, where we have the space to have fires, make dens and learn wood working skills to name a few. Each Reception class is taken in 2 week blocks on rotation throughout the year and children are taken in groups of 15, in either a morning or afternoon slot.


In Key Stage One the children move off site to complete their Forest School.  They go to the Stansfeld site. The children use their road safety to walk to the site with the Key Stage One Forest School teacher Mrs Howard, their class teacher, teaching assistants and parent helpers. The children are able to explore the site to build on their skills looking at boundaries, shelter building, fire and touch on their science curriculum.

The children go in all seasons and rotate on 5 week blocks. The children get to go as a group of 30.