General Info
Timetable and daily routine
Year 3 are now on the KS2 timetable. Break time will be at 11am until 11.20am, and lunch from 12.20pm until 1.20pm. Children line up in the large playground in the morning at 8.40am and are collected from the same place at 3.10pm. Children should stay with their teacher if they cannot see the adult collecting them.
Multiplication tables
This year the focus for multiplication tables is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10. These should be learnt in and out of order, along with the corresponding division facts. Please encourage your child to practise these at home. Using Times Tables Rock Stars is recommended.
PE Kits
Please ensure PE kits are in school all week and all items of kit and uniforms are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children will need trainers and tracksuit trousers for outdoor PE and may benefit from a jumper too.
Our PE days are:
Dandelion Class - Tuesday and Thursday
Daffodil Class - Thursday and Friday
Sunflower Class - Tuesday and Thursday
Water Bottles
Please ensure your child brings their water bottle to school daily. As a school, we encourage children to drink regularly in order to help them concentrate.
Medical issues and allergies
Please ensure that your child’s class teacher is aware if there are any allergies or other medical conditions that they should know about.
Welcome Meeting - Friday 6th September 2024
If you were unable to attend our welcome meeting the slides we shared will be attached below.