Heads Welcome
Welcome to Windmill Primary School
Windmill Primary School is a large school in Headington, Oxford. As a school we have many strengths and these include our strong emphasis on a Values system that underpins all aspects of school life, our 100% commitment to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to experience a creative and energising curriculum. This results in high academic progress and attainment as well as a strong sense of community which extends beyond the school gates to Headington.
At Windmill we value every child and encourage them all to develop socially, emotionally, academically and physically to achieve his / her full potential in every aspect of their school life. We aim for all of the children to leave Windmill as life- long learners who have academic skills and emotional resilience to take on any challenge that 21st Century life offers them.
Lynn Knapp: Headteacher
Your school days are meant to be the best days of your life and we strive to make this a reality for the children who come to our school.
These aims are summed up in our vision statement “Achievement through Creativity, Community and Challenge”.