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Swimming lessons for 2024-2025 at Barton Pool

Each class in year 5, then year 4, will have swimming lessons for 6 Wednesdays. The coach will leave from the front of school not long after the morning register and begin the return journey shortly after the swimming lesson finishes.

At the pool, our highly qualified team of Teaching Assistants work with a specialist swimming teacher and teach a group each, meaning pupils can receive small-group input at a level that is suited to their current attainment in swimming.

Girls need to wear a one-piece swimsuit and boys need swimming trunks or swimming shorts (not beach or board shorts, which can hinder their stroke). All children must have a swimming hat. You can bring your own or buy one from school for £1. It is recommended that children have fruit or another healthy snack to eat after their lesson, due to the intensity of learning and exercise.

We ask for a contribution of £35 per child for the block of 6 lessons. This covers the cost of transport, specialist instructor and exclusive use of the pool and changing room.

Swimming Health and Safety:

  • Jewellery - no jewellery to be worn while swimming; all earrings must be removed.

  • Verrucae - your child can swim if they have a verruca; they will need to wear a sock.                     

  • Sickness - if your child has been sick in the 24 hours before their swimming lesson, they should not be in school. This is especially important regarding an activity like swimming.

  • Inhalers - if your child usually has an inhaler, please ensure they bring it with them and it is named. There should be 2 inhalers for your child in school - one which stays in the classroom, and another for trips out, such as swimming.