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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 2023-2024!

Year 6 forms the purple part of our school rainbow! This is why each of our classes are named after purple flowers.


Class teachers:  

  • Mr Donhou (Violet Class)

  • Mr Davies (Lavender Class)

  • Miss Brown (Lilac Class)

Teaching assistants and support staff:

  • Ms Spence, Mrs Noonan and Mr Horne.

Our topics this year are:

  • Epic Earth: The wild and the wonder - is a predominantly Geography based topic, which examines different extreme biomes across the world. Through our exciting dilemma led learning, our challenge is to design our own version of the Eden Project for Oxfordshire, that we can send to the Oxford tourist board to convince them this is what they need. This topic also links to our school's key concepts of sustainability and creation. 

  • Movers and Shakers - People and ideas that change the world - is a topic which develops children's understanding of what makes someone inspirational. Primarily, we will be focusing on Rosa Parks, MLK Jr. and Charles Darwin, but we will also be looking at many other inspirational people. 

BBC Two - Icons: The Greatest Person of the 20th Century - About the Show

  • Maya Civilisation - a History topic which delves into the Maya civilisation. 

C:\Users\Jane\Dropbox\Keystage History LIVE14\public_html\images\Look and Learn images\lookandlearn-B002546 (1).jpg


Your child should have a PE kit in school Monday to Friday. 

For the winter months, it is advisable to include leggings/tracksuit bottoms and trainers as we will do some PE sessions outside.

Lilac Class have PE lessons on Wednesday and Thursday.

Violet Class have PE lessons on Monday and Wednesday.

Lavender Class have PE lessons on Monday and Wednesday.

Year 6 Homework

Homework is set on Google Classroom on a Friday. It would be fantastic if this can be completed by Wednesday. Your child will receive Maths and Spelling homework that will mirror the learning taking place in lessons and provide an opportunity for your child to revisit and reinforce the skills and knowledge that they have been taught. Your child may also receive reading homework. 

Please encourage your child to read daily at home in line with our Reading Karate scheme. If you also have the opportunity to hear your child read to you - this is also highly beneficial. 

Reading Karate

Children should also be encouraged wherever possible to take part in Reading Karate! This is a program where children earn different colour wristbands according to how much time they’ve spent reading - the children find it very motivating and really love earning the different bands!

Times Tables and counting

Please encourage your child to do a short (no more than 10 mins), daily practice on Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) TTRS website or some counting on and back games. Quick recall supports children's calculation in all areas of the curriculum. We have weekly tournaments between classes and across year groups with certificates to be won!

Year 6 Parent Meetings

The link will be uploaded following the meeting on the 17th September. Future dates for a meeting regarding Kilvrough will be confirmed at a later date. There will be another meeting and further information about kit lists and accommodation closer to the time.  

Below, are the powerpoint presentations giving information on any meetings we have had.